Our Podcast channel content is uploaded on a regular basis and includes topics such as Mindfulness, Making Positive Changes, Managing Worry, Resilience and Mental Health. To access content, please click here.

Pod Club is designed to give you the space and time out you deserve, to focus on yourself, while meeting up with like-minded people for a cuppa
The first Podclub was extremely successful in providing some insightful, relevant podcasts to discuss,which helped learners gain clarity and learn a bit more about themselves and how they wanted to live.
The podcasts are developed in-house and sessions can be held in community venues.
Previous participants are all agreed that the process of meeting up and discussing new topics was not only sociable but made them realise that on the days they are struggling, they are not alone. It also impacted on their day to day lives with some feeling more grateul, less stressed and more motivated to make positive changes.
To find out more, or to set up your own Podclub,
please get in touch
It is easy to get tied up thinking about all the things that need doing now and not giving yourself time to focus on what you really want. Keeping a journal help us to stay focused and maintain a healthy mind with positivity at the forefront of our minds.
We have published 2 guided journals to guide you towards your ultimate goals. Included with the journal pages are tried and tested tools to help you to plan, reflect, and ultimately set yourself achievable goals which you can then focus on throughout your 8 week journeys.
Each week, there is space to write down what you want to achieve and also space to reflect on certain aspects of your life. With a review at 4 weeks and a reflection at 8 weeks, it is your kick-start to a Better You.
8 Weeks Towards Maximum Health and 8 Weeks Towards Positive Relstionships are both available to buy on Amazon here.

Our Course
In addition, online learning opportunities have been accessed by international students in 42 countries, via the Udemy platform for learning. Since the initial upload of our coaching series for grassroots sport leaders, over 800 students have accessed our course. To find out more, visit our course page here